An unlikely detective duo fights to stop an anarchist plot to bomb the 1916 Preparedness Day Parade in San Francisco.
A year after the 1915 San Francisco World's Fair, detective Randall Blackburn is still in shock from his own personal tragedy.
His mourning, however, is cut short by a plea for help from City Hall. With the Preparedness Day Parade planned to celebrate America's coming entry into the Great War, a group of anti-American anarchists are planning to take advantage of the clogged streets to set off a series of bombs that will throw the city into chaos.
While Blackburn tackles the case with traditional methods, Vignette prefers an unconventional approach as an expert lock picker who lives by her own rules. Together, they work to identify the masterminds behind the operation. What they discover will take you through a retelling of history that will keep you guessing until the very end.