"VIGLETS Two - Ode to Dumbness" seeks to ease widespread global tensions resulting from dumb people, which includes everyone - and is seemingly increasing exponentially. The author gently guides readers into creating personal dumb Viglets - intimate odes, totally unrestricted by archaic rules of grammar - you simply let your emotions on dumbness "hang out" and get instant relief for your suffering psychic.
Readers can easily relate to personal dumbness and find themselves creating insightful Viglets worthy of sharing. Issues like; drivers on cell phones, failing to signal, politicians whose only job seems to be to get re-elected, and professionals with alphabet-soup titles and management styles are discussed. What they all have in common is, you are right - dumbness.
Too often media (all of them) are loaded with lengthy - in-depth - analyses scaring you into worrying about how your sewer pipes are leaking and our world is going to rack and ruin by having a drink or two. Viglets cut to the chase with pithy ditties that express emotionally charged personal feelings about issues without in-depth and breaking details. Viglets bring a sense of calmness and balance that even dummies can appreciate.
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