As the inaugural conference of the millennium, Virginia Woolf Out of Bounds sought to address the future of Woolf study, especially as an opportunity for new intellectual exchanges and mixtures, and for the expansion of Woolf studies towards new writing, new media, and new academic concerns. The conference invited scholars, students and independent readers to think about Virginia Woolf as she pushes us to cross regional, temporal, and disciplinary boundaries of all kinds. Conference sessions brought Woolf into contact with such contemporary writers as Martin Amis, Michael Cunningham, Alice Munro, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and A.S. Byatt. Several papers focus on using A Room of One's Own in the classroom. Among the forty contributors to this volume are Mich le Barrett, Laura Doyle, Diane F. Gillespie, Maggie Humm, Jane Lilienfeld, Nicola Luckhurst, Patricia Moran, Brenda R. Silver, Jennifer Wicke, and Mark Wollaeger.