As the sun beats down on the dry land, large birds circle high in the sky. The vultures barely flap their wings as they search for food--dead and dying animals--on the ground below. In Vultures, learn how this bird is well suited to desert life
As the sun beats down on the dry land, large birds circle high in the sky. The vultures barely flap their wings as they search for food--dead and dying animals--on the ground below. In Vultures, learn how this bird is well suited to desert life.
As the sun beats down on the dry land, large birds circle high in the sky. The vultures barely flap their wings as they search for food--dead and dying animals--on the ground below. In Vultures, learn how this bird is well suited to desert life.
As the sun beats down on the dry land, large birds circle high in the sky. The vultures barely flap their wings as they search for food--dead and dying animals--on the ground below. In Vultures, learn how this bird is well suited to desert life