"Gabe, honey, roll onto your side." Immediately Irish regrets her whisper, but the words meant for her husband slipped so naturally from her lips. Thus 36-year-old widower Gabriel Hart's meticulously planned day begins and continues to unfold with unexpected and heart-wrenching twists and turns. Each tests the pragmatic foster care survivor to accept life on love's terms, including the tragic death three years before of the Harts' nine-year-old Leesie at the hands of a hit-and-run drunk driver. On this day he faces the challenge to keep the two promises he made one year ago at Irish's deathbed: his vow to her to look into the eyes of the prisoner who took their little girl's life and a solemn promise he made to himself. In this unusual novel, the reader is allowed to view the death and grief suffered by one family and how it impacts multiple people. The author deftly shifts the narration among key people in Gabe's life. A multilayered portrait of the transcending nature of the human condition-birth, death, love, loss, and forgiveness, this literary fiction explores matters of life-and-death, while the author's love of humor and its life-affirming qualities create magical moments that provide a distinct perspective on the human experience. Waiting for Gabe: the pivotal day immovable grief meets unstoppable love.