Forgeries 18th Century Style Fake News
"I do not really wish for independence. I hope there are few who do," George Washington, June 18, 1776.
Did General Washington write these words, which newspapers published? Was this propaganda and disinformation 18th Century fake news?
If Washington didn't write these words, who had the motive and moxie to credibly pull off writing multiple forgeries in his name? Four suspects will emerge and reveal new dimensions of the American Revolution.
Was this the first time that malicious news had attacked Washington? On the positive side, which free speech activist and cancel culture victim turned Washington into a media darling?
For the first time, newly digitized letters and newspapers answer these questions and solve this 245-year-old whodunnit history mystery.
A great awakening to tyranny, the American Revolution was also a war of lies, whose battlefields were on the pages of newspapers and pamphlets social media 1776-style.
Timed by award-winning author Jane Hampton Cook to prepare Americans for celebrating America's 250th, War of Lies shows the importance of the Judeo-Christian virtue of truth and the origins of freedom of speech and the press.
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