One of the world's most acclaimed adventure writers returns to the world of ancient Egypt with the stunning sequel to the New York Times bestselling RIVER GOD. After the death of his beloved Queen Lostris, Taita retreats into the forbidding deserts of North Africa to become a...
One of the world's most acclaimed adventure writers returns to the world of ancient Egypt with the stunning sequel to the" New York Times" bestselling "River God." In the wake of a sixty-year war over the reign of the kingdoms of Egypt, two young pharaohs have risen to claim...
Wilbur Smith, one of the world's most acclaimed adventure writers, returns to the world of ancient Egypt with Warlock , the stunning sequel to the New York Times bestselling River God . In the wake of a sixty-year war over the reign of the kingdoms of Egypt, two young pharaohs...
Wilbur Smith, one of the world's most acclaimed adventure writers, returns to the world of ancient Egypt with Warlock, the stunning sequel to the New York Times bestselling River God. In the wake of a sixty-year war over the reign of the kingdoms of Egypt,...