This book has been selected by the West Point Society of the Lehigh Valley for presentation to winners of our Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Award. This award is presented to high school juniors selected for their achievments in academics, athletics, community service, and leadership. It is an explanation of how leadership is practiced and taught at WEst Point.
In his book, the West Point Way of Leadership, Larry Donnithorne has reached across a variety of constituencies explain a way of leadership that can be successful not only in the military, but in the boardroom, the classroom, and in the higher education arena. With thought provoking insight, Mr. Donnithorne makes West Point and the leadership style taught there a common ground for anyone seeking to improve their leadership...
As a Marine Sergeant in the reserves, I'm always looking for ways to improve my ability to lead and manage people. This book, through the traditions of the U.S. Military Acadamy, takes you through the many levels of leadership and responsiblity from the subordinate to the CEO/General. The principles in this book isn't just for military-types, like myself, but for the civilian, who in their daily jobs must deal with all...
The West Point Way of Leadership by Col. Larry R. Donnithorne (USA, Ret.) Outstanding book! The military academies believe that leadership is a learned skill. The teaching of this skill is a serious business because the decisions of military leaders will literally affect the lives of others. This author provides valuable insights into the lessons West Point attempts to instill in their leadership trainees that is transferrable...
"The West Point Way of Leadership" contains valuable lessons for organizational leaders in business and civic activities as well as the military. Readers of Stephen R. Covey's "Principle-Centered Leadership" will recognize the importance of "leaders of character," the development of which is the U.S. Military Academy's primary mission. -William A. Levinson