Father Dale Fushek is the Executive Director of the Praise and Worship Center in Chandler, Arizona. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Masters in Divinity from St. John's Seminary in Camarillo, California. He also received a Masters in Theology/Liturgy from the University of Notre Dame.
Fr. Fushek's walk with God began early in his life, and has led him to an ever-deepening understanding of the meaning of love and surrender. He states, "I have had highs that seemed to reach the stars...I have had lows that seemed so deep I could barely life my eyes to see the sun. My hope is that through all these highs and lows I have learned more about the meaning of life. I pray that I have learned something about love. I know I have learned a lot about God..."
Today, Fr. Fushek's ministry spans more than 40 years. He offers bits of his accumulated wisdom in his latest work, What I Know From A to Z, and says that he wants to share his heart. He does so without flinching, but also without abandoning the reader to struggle with obscure references or observations outside the common experience of everyday life.