If you answered "yes" to the first three questions and "no" to the last two, you leave the business side of your marriage up to your husband. Should your prince ever fall off his horse-by death, disability, or divorce-you and your children will be left in a precarious position.
Unfortunately, the odds are against you. Most husbands die before their wives and more than 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Yet many women don't get involved in their family's financial planning because their husbands take care of it, they think it's too complicated for them to understand, or they just don't want to bother.
This book explains why you should "bother", what you need to know, and how to get involved. Ms. Cohan guides you through the subjects of cash management, insurance, taxes, investing, and retirement and estate planning using simple and entertaining principles. The effort will return significant dividends-for yourself, your marriage, and your children.