In the New York Times best-selling book, What in the World Is Going On? , Dr. David Jeremiah answers the hard questions, including these: "How is prophecy playing out in modern Europe?" "Why does Israel matter?" "How are oil reserves and Islamic terrorism related?" "Does the...
In the New York Times best-selling book, What in the World Is Going On?, Dr. David Jeremiah answers the hard questions, including these: "How is prophecy playing out in modern Europe?" "Why does Israel matter?" "How are oil reserves and Islamic terrorism related?"...
Is the current economic and political crisis actually prophesied in the Bible? ? If so, what are we to do about it?? It is hard to piece together all this information in a way that gives a comprehensive picture of what the end times will look like. That's why so many theories...
Est la crisis pol tica y econ mica actual en verdad profetizada en la Biblia? Si es as , qu tenemos que hacer al respecto? Es dif cil reunir toda esta informaci n de manera que brinde un panorama amplio de c mo lucir n los ltimos tiempos. Es por eso que se levantan muchas...