To the reader's this is what you can expect when reading this book.
Just what really happened in the beginning when God started. Well, I hope to shed some light on Genesis. You should have a great expectation of finding out some of the events that happened. As you read you should expect to find when time started and how light really came into existence. Also, how your spirit man is created in the likeness of the father the Son and Holy Spirit. And to see the attributes of each one of them you should expect to find out about the Gap between Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and 2. The events that took place like the Caveman and dinosaurs and the downfall of Satan and 1/3 of the angels. You will see how to read the bible like a detective it is my intent to show you an exciting way and a venturous new way. Discovering new thing's, you would have never ventured across or seen before. Let's have fun reading the Bible with understanding and getting all that we can from the bible.
Warm regards,
Prophet Dr. Roy Johnson