Discover the path to hope in knowing that God cares for you. These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's...
Discover the path to hope in knowing that God cares for you. These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's...
Palabras de ?nimo a quienes han perdido la confianza. En este libro, Lucado te ofrece la inspiraci?n para creer que Dios ya ha comprado el boleto con tu nombre.
Are you ready to hope again? Are you ready to let go of doubt and sorrow? Just listen carefully. God is whispering your name. Somewhere, between the pages of this book and the pages of your heart, God is speaking. And He is calling you by name. Maybe that's hard to believe. Maybe...
Do you find it hard to believe that the One who made everything keeps your name on His heart and on His lips? Did you realize that your name is written on the hand of God (Is. 49:16)? Perhaps you've never seen your name honored. And you can't remember when you heard it spoken...
These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's whispering your name. You really want to do what is right. But sometimes life turns south. You're anxious,...
These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's whispering your name. You really want to do what is right. But sometimes life turns south. You're anxious,...
These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's whispering your name. You really want to do what is right. But sometimes life turns south. You're anxious,...