Songea, Tanzania, Africa - 2018.
The Mission: Preach the Gospel to those who had never heard it, make disciples, and bring the Kingdom of light into the places of darkness.
A Missionary attacked by spirits. Ethereal spirits, manifesting spirits, and spirits that influenced fellow missionaries. But those were not the only spirits running wild in Africa. The Spirit of the Lord was the guid- ing force with warnings of attacks to come. She didn't fully under- stand the magnitude of the relentless offense that was to come her way, until it began to unfold. Even then, she would not shirk back.
Jezebel, Witches, Legion... none could stop the mission she was on. No matter what occurred, she and her partner would not be swayed from their preordained appointments from God. From verbal assaults to physically being assaulted in the deliverance tents of Africa, noth- ing would stop the mission.
The enemy was poised to stop every effort and direction to block every path and to hinder or sabotage the messenger. Yet Faith and the Power of God destroyed the enemy's best efforts.
When taking this journey with the author, take note of how time and time again, the enemy ramps up their efforts, but God's mission will not be stopped or delayed. God increases his power and protection over the faithful while the enemy scrabbles to get footing.