This manuscript began in the 1980s as I researched the 1992 manuscript: Soldiers of Misfortune. Co-authors Mark Sauter, Cort Kirkwood, and I could not come up with National Archive documents revealing how and why Stalin would keep and never return more than 20,000 American POWs after World War II. An archivist quietly told me that intelligence officers entered the archives each night and removed documents they did not want us to uncover. Years later, an Air Force officer turned over to me the finding aid where these documents were hidden-and continue to be hidden-because of the government's determined effort not to reveal the true history of this era.
When Stalinists Ruled America 1941-1950 gives the comprehensive answer about FDR's secret pacts with Stalin, who called the Army intelligence unit monitoring Stalinists within the White House, State Department, and Treasury "The 12 Apostles." General Omar Bradley was its first gatekeeper. The National Security Agency attempted to keep this information from the public for more than 75 years before I recently forced it out under Mandatory Declassification.
This is a history-changing study of Stalinist-controlled American foreign policy and its consequences, beginning in June 1941 when Hitler's German military attacked Stalin's Red Army. It was evil Hitler versus an even greater evil Stalin, if body count and nations conquered are the criteria for determining evil.
Mass Delusion propaganda was required to hide from the masses the fact that President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Stalinists surrounding him developed a foreign policy designed to save Stalin from extinction, and then they raised him up to God-like status, deserving to stand shoulder to shoulder with FDR to post-war force the world's governments to do their bidding.
In November 1943 when the war's outcome was in doubt, FDR reached a secret agreement with Stalin to destroy the Nationalist Chinese after the world war was successfully concluded and give China to a communist, Mao Tse-tung (Zedong). Eastern Europe was given to Stalin by FDR at Yalta in early 1945.
Stalinists ruled American foreign policy from 1941 into 1950, secretly appeasing Stalin, hoping he really was the democratic ruler that Mass Delusion American wartime propaganda described. The hope was unwarranted. It was evil versus greater evil, and FDR chose greater evil.
The author's research and analysis establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Hitler's attack to destroy Stalin and communism while incorporating the Ukraine into Germany began America's descent down the rabbit hole into a political darkness called Mass Delusion. This is psychological warfare against America's citizens, giving them reasons to hate the correct viable enemy. U.S. citizens retain the right to vote but not the right to access information vital to competent decision-making.
FDR's Mass Delusion propaganda alleging a secret Pearl Harbor attack turned 80 percent opposition to war into massive support for war, creating the greatest political con in history that haunts the United States today as its foreign policy is challenged by Communist China. America's federal political system is destabilizing after decades of Mass Delusion misinforming the voting public. The con is revealed in depth in the pages of When Stalinists Ruled America.
James Sanders is a retired law enforcement officer turned investigator of federal corruption.
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