A mysterious book with a mysterious past, first published in 1919, The White Magic Book serves up answers to life's daily questions. "This book," Farber writes in the Introduction, "is your personal, portable shrine, twentyfourhour medium, and in it is the answer to your every question. All you have to do is use it with sincerity and an open mind, and you will be truly surprised and delighted to experience moments of synchronicity on a daily basis."
The White Magic Book is like the Internet. There's information out there to be had, and this wonderful little book helps us to access it. Although the questions and answers are written in the language of the early 20th century, like a lovely piece of china from another era, they are as meaningful today as they were then. We may now hear good news from far away not by post but by email. There is nothing dated about the advice to pay attention, have a sense of humor, and find a suitable career.
The White Magic Book is simple to use: pick a question, let your finger fall to a symbol on the Table of Jupiter, and find the corresponding answer.