In sixteen essays, Pastor Kent Philpott examines the tenets of Islam compared to Christianity to uncover error, danger, and misunderstanding, all the while maintaining his love for Muslim people. The key essay, "Who Is Gabriel?" challenges the core of Islamic faith by questioning the identity of Allah's messenger to Muhammad, Allah's own identity, and therefore the source of the Qur'an. Comparisons between modern jihadists, the Taliban, ISIS, and Christian Crusaders of a thousand years ago make it clear that the message of Jesus has never been to slaughter non-believers, while that is still the thinking in some Muslim-dominated areas today. Faith must be anchored in ultimate truth and not in traditions or fear. Jesus said that the truth will set you free, but Islam promotes taqiyyah, which is saying whatever will promote Islam regardless of truth. Philpott's hope and prayer is that Muslim readers will have the strength and courage to look at material that will likely contradict what they believe and then turn their eyes upon Jesus.