This is a great Christian based (Bible based) way to discuss sex and everything that precludes it with your children. It coaches you through everything from the time they are little and even gives you sample conversations. That part is great for any tongue tied parent nervous about these types of conversations. But, once you start the ball rolling with the book, it encourages your children to come to you with their questions...
I was looking for a book to share this delicate information with my daughter. I viewed one other book series but, it shared more information than I felt was appropriate for my daughter's age. This book gave the right amount of information that I wanted to share with my daughter. My daughter loved the story and she is looking forward to reading the other books in the series with me.
My 5 year old daughter enjoyed this book and it relieved me of an awkward subject - the fact that boys are anatomically different from girls. She is an only child and I really don't think she had the occasion to learn the outward differences on her own, so I felt it was time to address it, lest someone take advantage of her lack of knowledge in some nefarious way. This book is very simple and the perfect first book to read...
As a mother just begining to teach the "birds and the bees" this is a terrific help. The material is age appropriate and interesting to read. The best part, however, is the Christian aspect. I know that our children will understand and respect their sexuality more because they will know why God gave them this gift and the value of protecting that gift. Thank you Carol Greene for the books!
As a mother just begining to teach the "birds and the bees" this is a terrific help. The material is age appropriate and interesting to read. The best part, however, is the Christian aspect. I know that our children will understand and respect their sexuality more because they will know why God gave them this gift and the value of protecting that gift. Thank you for the Learning About Sex Series!