Like many people, you've probably used idioms or phrases like these without giving them a second thought. But if you were to take a moment to step back and learn about them, you'll be pleasantly surprised to discover the mesmerizing and sometimes outright bizarre origins to these fun sayings!
In Why Do We Say That? we have curated 202 of the most regularly used idioms, proverbs, turns of phrases, and colloquial terms that have the most fascinating backstories. For each phrase, we explain how it was coined, how its use evolved through the ages, and how it gained its contemporary use.
Inside you will discover:
What the sanitary conditions of 17th century London have to do with its "raining cats and dogs" today.What taking things "with a grain of salt" has to do with an ancient remedy for poison.What Southeast Asian warrior traditions have to do with the term "to run amuck."Why "to break a leg" became something worth aspiring to in the Elizabethan theaters.And many, many more!Click the BUY NOW button at the top of the page to unravel the mysteries behind popular English idioms.