Real-life solutions to help you now
Watching a loved one immersed in an intense battle with alcohol and drugabuse may be the most difficult, complex and harrowing experience you'llever have. This book offers a message of hope to families and friends, giving practical solutions so they can help anyone struggling withaddiction to begin the road to recovery.
Updated Edition: Contains new chapters and info on: Heroin, Shame & Stigma, Harm Reduction, Marijuana, Synthetic Drugs, 12-Step Groups & The Church, and much more
You'll discover:
-How to effectively intervene.
-Why a person doesn't have to hit rock-bottom.
-When helping is actually hurting.
-Why quitting is not the same as recovering.
-How to deal with relapse.
-The importance of faith and hope in recovery.
-Why a parent would leave their child due to their addiction.
Answers to over 30 common, and not so common questions.
Inspiring first-hand recovery stories from real people
Praise for Why Don't They Just Quit?
This book is a must read. . . I consider Why Don't They Just Quit?to be one of the top five recovery books for families. --Nicholas Taylor, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist, National Expert on the Treatment ofMethamphetamine Addiction
Everyone needs to read this book. After 25yrs of drinking it has savedmy life. --Craig M., New Philadelphia, Ohio
God bless you. Al-Anon and AA are a Godsend, but I have found otherbooks to be very general and a little outdated with today's times.Joe's book has answered so many questions for me that I can relate toand put into practice. --D.B., Lakewood, Colorado
. . . stayed up late last night reading various parts of it; inspiring This book is for people like me; someone with chemically addicted people intheir life-- a must read for the addicted and those who care aboutthem. --Donna Schwartz, MFT, CAC III Valley Hope Treatment Services inColorado, former Family Program Therapist of Parker Valley Hope TreatmentCenter
This book was a God send I have struggled as a parent of an addictfor years, and now I am finally able to see that it is not in my ability toheal him This book was life changing, LIFE CHANGING I can now begin torecover myself, even if my child doesn't Thank you Joe, for writing thisbook --Shelley K. (parent)
Joe's book helps us to understand the addiction and recovery process. Hecombines a lifetime of personal and professional experience dealing withthis issue in a practical and highly personal overview. The book isexcellent. I wish I had read it a year ago. --Sheriff Joe Pelle, Boulder County, Colorado
As a Mother, I found this book to be full of empathy, tough-love andpractical information. I especially appreciate that Joe included thespiritual part of recovery, which other resources often avoid. --Vicki Beatty, Celebrate Recovery Leader/Covenant Chapel, Leawood, Kansas
This book will be valued by many, many people. A very meaningfulgift of God's grace to families who need sanity in the middle of theirrunaway insanity. --Mike Richards Jr., Director of RecoveryMinistries/International Bible Society, Houston, Texas
Many of you reading this book are facing the battle of your life. Alcoholand drugs consumed my daughter's life. I can't put into words the anguishof attending my daughter's funeral. I wish I would have had this book longago. Maybe Mia would still be here. I didn't know how to help her. Thisbook is full of answers I could have used. --Pam M. (Mia's Mom), Niwot, Colorado