Soon to be a show on Hulu Rights to develop Wild Cards for TV have been acquired by Universal Cable Productions, the team that brought you The Magicians and Mr. Robot, with the co-editor ofWild Cards, Melinda Snodgrass as executive...
Here, in the third volume of the Wild Cards series, seven of science fiction's most gifted writers take you on a journey of wonder and excitement.
The streets of New York have erupted in celebration of Wild Card Day -- the annual event held every September 15th to remember the dead and cherish the living. It is a day for fireworks and street fairs and parades, for political rallies and memorial banquets, for drinking and...
In the aftermath of World War II, the alien virus Wild Card ravages Earth. The survivors were turned into metahumans: either Jokers, beings with physical deformities and unusual skills, always marginalized and harassed, or Aces, men and women of normal human appearance who develop...
Science fiction writers explore a world shaped by Wild Cards, a virus which curses some of its victims with bizarre disfigurements (Jokers) and blesses others (Aces) with superhuman powers. One survivor, embitterd by deformity, unleashes the power of darkness on Aces and Jokers...