This task-oriented guide delivers the unsurpassed experience of three world-class Windows 2000 deployment and management experts -- organized for quick reference, so you get enterprise-proven answers exactly when you need them! Windows 2000 System Administration Handbook delivers start-to-finish, expert guidance on managing Windows 2000 for maximum performance, reliability, and value. You'll find detailed, real-world techniques for planning, implementing, and managing Active Directory; migrating to Windows 2000 DNS, DHCP, and/or WINS services; and much more. The authors demonstrate how to manage users and groups more efficiently; reduce TCO by using group policies to centrally administer and control workstations; and secure your network using the powerful new tools Windows 2000 provides. From printing to disaster recovery, task scheduling to network monitoring, Windows 2000 System Administration Handbook is the first total guide to effective Windows 2000 administration.