"Works in Progress (2021)" is a smorgasbord of nine widely varying pieces: joyful, contemplative, humorous, serious (a public interest essay), personal essays, and dark stories, many of which are almost ready to publish independently, but will cost much more if purchased separately. The memory tax, family pride and ancestor snobbery placed in context (Letters to the Dead), our attitudes to beggars, stories about fatherhood, some tools that may come in handy when talking to writers (or else, or for writers dealing with the public), and many others.
Real life is a combination of light and dark moments, and though I am often known for my humor and satire, there are untold stories within me that demand to be told, that would kill me not to tell them. A writer who fails to tell his stories is untrue to himself. This is why "Works in Progress (2021)" is a book I call upon all my true friends to read. Please, please, please: you don't know who I am, what I am hiding, and what burdens I am carrying, until you read at least this one book of mine, in which I keep my promise to myself and to my readers: to tell my truth.
Why do I publish this book now? Because, feeling the fragility of life especially keenly at this moment in my life, I never know which book could be my last published book. And every moment is precious.
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