As Valentine's Day approaches, we're indulging in our favorite guilty pleasure—romance novels! We love love! Our newest poll takes a look at the secret lives of romance readers. Read on for all the juicy details!
Hello Boils and Ghouls! The Thrift Keeper here (named for my devilish ability to find the Best Bargains among Blood-Curdling titles!), and now that the most horrifying of all possible holidays is over (Valentine's Day—YUCK!), I'd like to help re-darken your horizons by talking about Romance Gone Wrong!
With last year's publication of Midnight Sun and Netflix's recent release of the Twilight movies, the popularity of the Twilight Saga is resurging. Here are seven fun facts about the books and movies that may surprise you.
On this date in 1595, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was first performed (not officially published until 1597). Although the renowned tragedy was by no means the first literary story of doomed love, it coined the phrase "star-cross'd lovers" and continues to inspire heartbreaking sagas even today.