From the Ender Universe, Orson Scott Card's Xenocide is now repackaged for a new generation of readers...
From the Ender Universe, Orson Scott Card's Xenocide is now repackaged for a new generation of readers...
The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the heart of a child named Gloriously Bright. On Lusitania, Ender found a world where humans and pequininos and the Hive Queen could all live together; where three very different intelligent species could find common...
Among the most acclaimed and successful books of the genre, Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead have both won Hugo and Nebula Awards for Best Novel. The third book continues the saga of Ender Wiggin, as he struggles to preserve no less than four different intelligent alien...
Tercera entrega de la Saga de Ender , una de las mejores sagas de ciencia ficci n jam s publicadas. Lusitania es nico en la galaxia. Un planeta donde coexisten tres especies inteligentes: los cerdis, que evolucionaron en el mismo planeta; los humanos, que llegaron...
The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the heart of a child named Gloriously Bright.
The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the heart of a child named Gloriously Bright.