There's a time in our lives when we have to look in the mirror, really see us, and deal with what we're not happy or at peace with. Have you made choices you regret? Are you saying yes when you want to say no? Are you tired of your thought patterns, especially those not in line with God's will for your life? Do you want to learn how to do things differently when managing relationships and your spiritual life? Do you have bad habits or addictions you want to be free from? Are you struggling with unforgiveness?"
You can have anything you want or desire concerning these areas of your life and more with your determination and God's help. In You Can Be Free-Yes You Can, by the Grace of God, Yes, You Can, author Cynthia Smith helps you think about your life in a more positive way and helps produce new desires. Smith shares how God's transforming power, through his love, took a damaged, addicted, and wounded woman and turned her life into a beautiful butterfly, soaring in the amazing healing and delivering power of God. He then miraculously radiated that same power and love into the lives of others in many wonderful and positive ways.