This book provides telemarketing professionals and anybody who needs to sell or prospect over the telephone with the detailed, step-by-step techniques leading toward fianncial success. Its strength is in being exceptionally concise and up to the point. It tells you what words to use, and which ones to avoid. It gives you great, exact sentences that prevent customer's resistance, win his or her appreciation of yourself and...
The title hooked me, which is why I read the book. I am usually very skeptical of such effective titles because they are often dreamed up by the publisher's marketing department (which may not have even read the book). In this case, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the premise was followed through effectively in the book. I personally do not like to conduct business on the telephone. I even try to do teleconferences...
If you use a phone to communicate with people... You are engaged in sales. Asking for information, planning a lunch time, trying to get an interview, etc. In breif clear terms, this book shows you what really happens when you "work" the phone. Personnally, this book sat on my desk every day for three months. During that time I went from an average sales person, to the only person at my company doing 300% of quota. ...