You have the answer
Have you ever thought that you may have all the answers to your questions?
Have you thought that writing out your thoughts might help you understand more about yourself?
This daily prompt writing journal will give you 90 questions to answer over the next 90 days, actually you can do it in less days, or take your time and do it over 6 months - it is entirely up to you.
Each day you are going to be asked a question - you can randomly select one at will, just flip the pages, stop and write
The questions can range from what is your goal? to what is your favorite memory? and more...
How will this prompt journal help you?
We live such a rushed life that we don't have time to stop and think. In fact many people don't want to stop and think as it will frighten them. But I know you want more from your life.
Now you have the opportunity to do that each and everyday for the next 90 days.
Are you ready to answer some interesting questions and move your life to the next level?Can you handle the truth?Are you ready to provide the real answers?If so then grab this writing journal now
This journal is ideal for teenagers and adults of all ages