First of all, it is nothing new. In fact, anti-Semitism has a very long history on these islands.
It started way back in the book of Exodus, in the freeing of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt. This anti-Semitism carried on right through the centuries in one form or another.
It also goes right back to the early days of the Christian church. "Replacement Theology" started in the first century AD, and it has been used to justify the killing of many millions of Jewish people.
I also want to show you what can happen when you misread the Bible and do not check on what you are being taught. In recent church history, we have seen what a lot of this wrong teaching has produced---The Holocaust of the Second World War.
If we do not learn from the mistakes of the past, we will only repeat them again and again. That has been proved many times over the centuries.
Above all, I want to show you what can happen if we do not seek to understand or have compassion towards our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Walk with me through a concise history of how we have gotten to this current state of anti-Semitism in the UK...and what we can do about it in our current day.
Are you ready to change your life?
Turn to page 1, and let's get started....