When Zach shoves his little brother to the floor, he knows he did something wrong. Even so, it's hard to apologize--especially when Alex kind of deserved it Like any seven-year-old, Zach tries to ignore the problem, but finally, with his mom's help, he learns the four steps to apologizing: 1) say what you did; 2) say how it made the other person feel; 3) say what you could have done instead; 4) make it up to the person. The apology strategy is presented as the "four-square" apology, which is illustrated as a square divided into four quarters with a prompt in each. Easy to understand and easy to remember.
Zach Rules Series
Zach struggles with social issues like getting along, handling frustrations, making mistakes, and other everyday problems typical of young kids. Each book in the Zach Rules series presents a single, simple storyline involving one such problem. As each story develops, Zach and readers learn straightforward tools for coping with their struggles and building stronger relationships now and in the future.