Two cats on a mission:
A perilous journey to save a planet
Zarena is back and ready to embark on a new mission - to warn the inhabitants of planet Mars of their impending fate if they continue to follow on their current path.
After her successful journey to Earth in book one of The Zarena Chronicles, our beloved paschat Zarena has been tasked with another quest, and this time she's not alone. With her soul-mate Cassi along for the ride, the pair travel to planet Mars and inhabit the bodies of Martian cats in order to gather information crucial to the evolution of the entire galaxy, as well as delivering a vital message to the planet's scientists.
On their perilous trek across this alien land, they are faced with threats and challenges galore - from blood-thirsty creatures tracking their every move, to a volatile atmosphere threatening their very stability.
Can they reach their destination in time to deliver their message? Or will they, along with the whole planet, be decimated, causing shockwaves through the entire multiverse?
Author of The Zarena Chronicles, Ian Welch, has been a healer for over 42 years, which along with his psychic abilities introduced him to the wonderful word of Trayor and the marvellous - very real - beings within this story, with who Ian has a close connection. Ian's passion is to help, heal and teach knowledge and wisdom to all those with their hearts and minds open to love and light.